Originally posted on our Title IX Insights Blog We all know how important it is for responsible employees in educational institutions to report up the chain when they learn of sexual misconduct against a student. But the stakes for noncompliance just grew in […]
Post-Janus Legislation Weakens Impact of Supreme Court’s Decision and Imposes Heightened Requirements on Public and Educational Employers
Senate Bill 1784, passed both houses of the General Assembly and was signed into law as Public Act 101-0620 by Governor Pritzker on December 20, 2019. As noted in our earlier alert on the bill, the bill, now law, contained […]
For the second time this year, Franczek’s Jennifer Smith has been quoted in a series by NPR on out-of-state residential placements. In August, NPR called on Jennifer for an article addressing the significant number of out-of-state placements for special education […]
Facts and Fiction: The Truth About the Trump Administration’s Executive Order on Anti-Semitism
On December 11, 2019, President Donald Trump signed an executive order declaring his administration’s commitment to enforcing federal racial anti-discrimination provisions against discrimination “rooted in anti-Semitism.” Contrary to initial reports, the Executive Order Combating Anti-Semitism does not redefine Judaism as […]
The Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor was once again busy during 2019, issuing binding decisions of interest to public entities governed by the Illinois Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act. We covered many of these decisions at […]
Illinois Senate Bill 460 Suspends Implementation of Draft IEP Paperwork Requirement
Originally posted on our Special Education Law Insights Blog. After pushback from Illinois school districts, an amendment to the Illinois School Code’s special education provisions will alleviate some, but not all, frustrations related to a recent law that added significant procedural requirements for […]
College Cleared in Due Process Challenge Because Student Failed to Participate in Offered Process
In a case that serves as a healthy reminder of the importance of drafting and abiding by clear disciplinary policies, an Illinois Appellate Court recently held that a College did not violate a student’s due process rights because the student […]
Title IX Lessons from DOE Report Finding Clery Act Violations at UNC
Originally posted on our Title IX Insights Blog The Title IX world is abuzz with expectation about the release of regulations from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. The general consensus is that even if the Department makes some changes based on the 100,000+ comments it […]